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1973 Aston MartinV8 Lightweigh Racer
Dylan Miles Ltd

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United Kingdom





This Aston Martin V8 was constructed in late 1972 and first registered on March 1st 1973 as a road car Constructed by Boysie Thurtle on behalf of previous owner and historic racer Chris Scragg, this highly developed V8 racer was extsnively modified and lightened to make it competitive within the Aston Martin Owners Club Championship The car was raced for a number of years with Scragg at the wheel scoring multiple podium finishes and overall winner of the 2010 AMOC Championship Prepared with disregard to expense, this championship winner produces over 600hp thanks to its 6.0L increased displacement, Jenvey electronic fuel injection and electronic ignition The gearbox is a four speed racing unit and uprated AP front brakes, AP Pedalbox and bespoke front uprights and the driver is supported by a full roll cage, Recaro race seats and large capacity ATL fuel cell The V8 has recently benefitted from a renewed fuel cell, new clutch, rebuilt brake calipers with new pads, full fluid service and new fire extinguisher Offered with UK road registration and German DMSB papers, this historic race winner is offered for sale at a fraction of its build cost
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