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1987 Lotus Turbo Esprit
Auto Storica

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Engine 4 Cylinder / 2174cc / 210hp

Auto Storica is pleased to announce the sale of this spectacular Lotus Turbo Esprit The English brand, known for manufacturing the lightest sports cars, wanted in the 80s to compete with the best brands in the world. And the play turned out perfectly. The Turbo Esprit offers top-level equipment in a luxurious package, as demonstrated by the quality of its cabin covered in the highest quality leather in its entirety. But that did not mean it lost the Lotus essence. Its 2,200cc 4-cylinder engine delivers 218hp, enough to move its low weight and accelerate as fast as a contemporary Porsche 911 with 100 more hp. Its bodywork, designed by Giugiaro, is originally painted black with gold lines, recalling the legendary JPS livery of the brand's single-seaters. Our unit, which has undergone a thorough inspection, including the tuning of its carburetors, is in optimal operating condition, as you can see in the video above. The Esprit Turbo is a perfect car for those who like to enjoy the purest driving without losing an ounce of glamor or exclusivity.
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