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1961 Porsche 356 B 1600 T6 Roadster Super-90
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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Colour Black


Interior Leather green


Gearbox Manual shift


Drive Left

Coachwork by D'IETEREN Frères, Belgium Just 199 Roadster T6 S-90 in Belgium produced Original Hardtop Fully restored a few years ago New delivered to Germany Original engine („Matching Number“) Equipment Leather, sports exhaust, hardtop Production 1 of only approx. 199 original T6 S-90 Roadsters built. Description: The 356 B Roadsters of the T6 series are considered as some of the rarest models that Porsche has produced in series. Porsche stopped the Roadster’s manufacture during the B-Series production period, therefore this T6 version with its rear double grill and the flattened engine hood is one of the most sought-after 356s. This 356 B 1600 Super 90 T6 Roadster was delivered on 18th December 1961 via MAHAG in Munich. According to the available photo documentation the vehicle was completely restored a few years ago. In addition, the engine was performance-optimized. The vehicle comes with an original hardtop. This Roadster has three previous owners. In the past years there were almost no vehicles on the market. A rare opportunity for collectors!
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