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1984 Jajuar XJS Group A
Duncan Hamilton Rofgo Ltd

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United Kingdom


Chassis 004 was built by TWR for Jaguar’s works European Touring Car Championship effort, taking multiple wins in the 1984 ETCC and a subsequent overall win in the gruelling 'Bathurst 1000' in 1985 - the only Jaguar to ever do so. Significantly, 004 is one of only two final lightweight development cars modified at the end of the program, making it the ultimate spec Group A XJS. The final cherry on top for this amazing and original warrior is that it was one of only two cars repainted in John Player Special colours for the ’84 Macau Guia Race, where it took 2nd overall behind the sister XJS. Surely the greatest Group A car of its era, the XJS can also lay claim to being the catalyst car for TWR's Le Mans winning Group C effort that followed its Touring Car triumphs. Certainly no car of its era can compete with the drama of the big green XJS's - huge wide slicks shoehorned under the haunches of the bodywork, protruding side-exit exhausts... but most importantly, the sound. The XJS was famous for drowning out the engine notes of all its competitors in period, and it still does today. Nothing compares or competes with its howling 500bhp V12 engine - the same V12 that went on to win Le Mans twice. Today there are only five genuine Group A Jaguar XJS in existence and 004 is without doubt the car that has had more love, care and sympathetic development lavished upon it than any other. It has been in the same ownership for some 20 years where it has been maintained absolutely no-expense-spared by its father and son team, both of whom are exceptional engineers and world-renown Jaguar experts. Race-ready for all the world's historic touring car grids, including Patrick Peter's magnificent Historic Touring Cup.
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