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1980 Ford Escort RS 2000
Franco Lembo A.S.P Automobilia SARL

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Peruvian registration


Customs cleared in Europe, Eligible in all historic events a piece of automotive history

Fantastic and very original RS MKII, incredible for a Rally car but accident free and Matching numbers, i still search the full history and the first owner of this cult item, we are sure it is an official Rothmans Rally car, one off the fourteen MKII sold by Boreham’s team to the famous David Sutton (Cars)Ltd, the car move to south America probably raced at the Rally Argentina Codasur or Rally do Brasil, Sutton Ltd in London prepared the cars to the maximum of their possibilities, these preparations won many races and they prepared Ari Vatanen car when Ford became world rally championship in 1981. The 2-liter BDG engine prepared by the famous Terry Hoyle with more than 250 Hp thanks to Weber 48, the body and suspension completely reinforced and equipped with a 5-speed ZF transmission , In 1982 the car was bought by a Peruvian amateur driver Julio Cesar De Las Casas who will participate several times in the Rally Caminos del Inca, he will then exhibit the car for several decades in his personal museum, back in Europe in 2016 the car was completely revised and is ready to go .
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Franco Lembo A.S.P Automobilia SARL
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