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1994 Maserati Ghibli
Cool Classic Club

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In Stock



Power 306 PK


Date Part I January 1, 1994


Color Blue metallic


Interior Gray leather


Transmission Manual


VAT deductible No

Discover the iconic Maserati Ghibli! This luxury coupe, produced between 1992 and 1997, bears the name of its famous predecessors from the 1960s and is known as the Ghibli II. With its distinctive design and advanced technology, the Ghibli offers a reliable and comfortable driving experience. Its streamlined bodywork features subtle details that give it a unique look. The front, inspired by the Shamal, has characteristic headlights elegantly placed behind glass. Under the hood you'll find a choice of powerful engines, including a 2.0-liter twin-turbo V6 for the Italian market and a 2.8-liter twin-turbo V6 for export. These engines deliver robust performance for an enjoyable driving experience. As a lover of cars with character, we invite you to discover the Maserati Ghibli. Come by and experience the timeless charm of this legendary coupe!
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