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1958 Aston Martin DB MK III
Hemmels Vault

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In Stock

United Kingdom





FUEL Petrol


CC 2,922CC




The Hemmels Vault are very pleased to offer this delightful DB MKIII from 1958, finished in Silver with contrasting Burgundy-coloured hide and matching Wilton carpets. It is equipped with overdrive, DB4 GT front brake calipers and braided brake lines. The Aston was recently treated to a complete engine overhaul during which one of the new and improved Vetus cylinder blocks was installed. The vendor informs us that the car has also been continuously well maintained, courtesy of regular visits to Four Ashes Garage in Stratford-upon-Avon. Its comprehensive history file contains invoices totalling in excess of £75,000 in the last five years, £20,000 of which is from 2015, as well as previous FIA papers - suggesting earlier competition activity. A rarity to see on the market.
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