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1965 Jaguar 3.8 S
Oldtimer Galerie International GmbH

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Body Color grey


Color inside red


Steering left


Gearbox manual


Gears 4


Cylinders 6


Displacement 3780cm3

This rather sporting Jaguar saloon will it's all independent suspension, disc brakes, power steering and 4 speed gearbox with overdrive was delivered in Switzerland and first registered on the 5th of March 1965. Little is known about the history of this S type except that the car was taken over by the last owner in 2020 after a longer period of inactivity. After acquiring the car, he had the Jaguar optimized mechanically with the intention of using it throughout the year in a variety of classic car rallies. The work included the overhaul of the brakes and the power steering, replacement of the fuel pumps as well as the ignition leads, contact breakers and the condenser and the coachwork received a new underseal as well as waxoiling in order to use the car also during wintertime. Consequently the elegant saloon was enthusiastically driven in rallies until in mid-2023, when the owner decided to reduce his collection and the car was de-registered. Currently the Jaguar is in a technically good condition with the 3.8 litre inline 6 providing ample torque and the gearbox shifting well. Coachwork and interior are mostly original and show age-correct patina. The last veteran MOT was completed in July 2020.
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